Mass in celebration of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, will take place at 7:00pm on New Year's Eve, and no confessions beforehand. On New Year's Day, Mass will be celebrated at 10:00am.
Join us for Sacred Heart's annual Filipino Advent tradition known as Simbang Gabi on Tuesday, Dec. 18. The event will take place at the 12:10pm Mass followed by a light reception in the Agape Hall (downstairs, below the main church). Join us for this very special celebration.
La Luz de Cristo invites everyone to its Posada and Pastorela, December 15, starting at 9:30am, in the Fellowship Hall. The children of the prayer group will present a play representing Our Lord's birth. There will be a short reception following the event.
This year, our gifts are dedicated to support Matthew House (children of incarcerated adults in Washington's prisons), Sacred Heart family shelter, and the Queen Anne Food Bank.