Meeting Day/Time
1st Sunday of each month
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
SHJS Basement
Celebration Day
3rd Sunday of each month
Suggested Donation:
$50 (For church supplies & class fees)
To register, please contact
[email protected]
Parent(s) or grandparent(s) must be practicing Catholics and registered of the parish where the baptism is to take place. NOTE: If the parent(s) are not parishioners, they must obtain written permission from their pastor for the baptism. Additionally, they must complete their baptismal preparation at their home parish prior to the baptism.
Godparents must be male and female. There can be multiple sets of godparents, as is the custom in some cultures, but only one set will be recorded in the baptismal record.
Parents and godparents, if married, must be in a validated marriage as recognized by the Catholic Church.
Parent(s) and godparent(s) must complete a baptismal preparation program prior to the baptism.
Godparent(s) must obtain and have sent to us a letter from their pastors attesting to their suitability no later than two weeks prior to the baptism.
Baptisms will take place outside of and after Mass.
Baptisms must be recorded in the sacramental record within 10 days.
Godparents need to be at least 16 years of age.
Godparents need to have received all sacraments of initiation,
Godparents should not be cohabitating with their significant other outside of marriage.
Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments of the Catholic church. It comes from the Greek word baptizein, meaning to “plunge” or “immerse” (CCC 1214). When a person receives the sacrament, he or she is gifted with sanctifying grace – a supernatural gift from God that makes us holy and pleasing to God. In doing so, it strengthens the baptized person against sin and protects him or her from death. It also imprints the person's soul with sacramental character, meaning that person has a unique and special relationship to Christ. Thus, we become freed from Original Sin and all past sins, reborn as an adopted child of God, and initiated into the Catholic Church and bonded to other Christians.